Pura Vida!
Although the direct translation in Spanish is "pure life," these words mean so much more. This wonderful expression has become an unofficial national slogan, referring to life in its simplest form. "Tico's," as the warm friendly people of Costa Rica proudly call themselves, along with many visitors, even use this popular phrase as a greeting. The true meaning of Pura Vida goes well beyond its many translations. It expresses contentment, happiness and satisfaction with one's life. And those who have discovered the peaceful paradise found in Costa Rica have learned what truth lies in these words. Folks who have chosen to live here, have real estate investment or perhaps are just visiting, have often wondered why the secrecy of this country's splendor was kept for so long.
Thinking of that Dream Costa Rica Retirement Home or maybe an Affordable Second Home?
Some of the possible Costa Rica Real Estate investments
You can choose from....
single family homes....luxury villas....
golf course condos….retirement homes....
ocean view condominiums....
development opportunities....
beachfront property....custom homes....
resort condos....undeveloped land....
retirement communities....seaside villas....ocean front homes....ocean view lots....home sites with jungle view ....mountain view....or ocean view....
commercial development...
hotels...bed & breakfast's...restaurants
and many more!
If you decide to join the growing number of Americans and other nationalities who see the splendid value of Costa Rica property for either a Second Home, Retirement, Vacation or Real Estate Investment of Costa Rica Real Estate.
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Second Home, Retirement, Vacation, Real Estate, Investment ... and more!
All information presented here and in these sites is proposed and is subject to change or elimination by the Owner or Developer at any time without notice. The questions and answers on this website are for informational purposes only. All questions and answers proposed are subject to change without any notice.
Costa Rica Real Estate